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Algebraic manipulation

A.1.1     I can identify a term, expression, equation, formula and identity


A.1.1 Wordsearch - image.jpg

Guess the film - Moana

A.1.1 Guess the film - Moana - image.jpg

Year 9 support

Year 9 core

Year 9 extension

Exit ticket

A.1.1 Exit ticket - image.jpg
A.1.2     I can simplify expressions by collecting like terms

I do, you do

A.1.2 I do, you do - image.jpg

True or False

A.1.2 True or false - image.jpg

Year 7 support

Year 9 support

Year 11 foundation

Match three

A.1.2 Match three - image.jpg
A.1.3     I can simplify expressions by collecting like terms, including powers

I do, you do

A.1.3 I do, you do - image.jpg

AFL questions

A.1.3 AFL questions - image.jpg

Year 7 core

Year 7 extension

Year 8 support

Year 8 core

Year 8 extension

Year 9 support

Year 9 core

Year 9 extension

Year 11 foundation

Year 11 crossover

Guess the film - Chicken run

A.1.3 Guess the film - Chicken run - image.jpg
A.1.4     I can simplify expressions involving multiplication

Explain the misconception

A.1.4 Explain the misconception - image.jpg


A.1.4 Challenge - image.jpg

Year 7 support

A.1.5     I can simplify expressions involving multiplication and division

Guess the film - Wonka

A.1.5 Guess the film - Wonka - image.jpg

Year 7 core

Year 7 extension

Year 8 support

Year 8 core

Year 9 support

Year 11 foundation

A.1.6     I can simplify expressions involving sums, products and powers,
              including using index laws

Match three

A.1.6 Match three - image.jpg

Match three (with negatives)

A.1.6 Match three - image.jpg

Year 8 extension

Year 9 core

Year 9 extension

Year 10 higher

Year 10 extension

Year 11 crossover

A.1.7     I can multiply a single term over a single bracket

Fill in the blanks worksheet with answers

A.1.7 Fill in the blanks worksheet - image.jpg

Guess the film - Bend it like Beckham

A.1.7 Guess the film - Bend it like Beckham - image.jpg

Year 7 core

Year 7 extension

Year 8 support

Year 8 core

Year 9 support

A.1.8     I can expand and simplify multiple single brackets

Exit ticket

A.1.8 Exit ticket - image.jpg

Year 7 extension

Year 8 core

Year 8 extension

Year 9 core

Year 9 extension

Year 11 foundation

Year 11 crossover

A.1.9     I can take out common factors to factorise

AFL questions

Year 7 core

Year 7 extension

Year 8 support

Year 8 core

Year 8 extension

Year 9 support

Year 9 core

Year 9 extension

Year 11 foundation

Year 11 crossover

A.1.9 Guess the film - Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire - image.jpg

Guess the film - Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire

A.1.9 AFL questions - image.jpg
A.1.10     I can form simple expressions

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Year 7 support

Year 7 core

Year 8 support

A.1.11     I can form expressions

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Year 7 extension

Year 8 core

Year 8 extension

Year 9 support

Year 9 core

A.1.12     I can simplify algebraic fractions

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Year 9 extension


A.2.1     I can substitute positive integers into simple expressions
A.2.1 Exit ticket - image.jpg

Exit ticket


Year 7 support

A.2.2     I can substitute positive integers into expressions and formulae

Goal free problem

A.2.2 Goal free problem - image.jpg

Year 7 core

Year 7 extension

Year 8 support

Year 9 support

A.2.3     I can substitute negative integers into simple expressions

RAG questions

A.2.3 RAG questions - image.jpg

Year 8 support

A.2.4     I can substitute negative integers into expressions and formulae

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Year 8 support

Year 8 core

Year 9 support

A.2.5     I can substitute positive and negative integers into expressions
              and formulae

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Year 9 core

Year 11 foundation

Year 11 crossover

A.2.6     I can substitute negative integers into expressions and formulae,
              including with powers

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Year 8 extension

A.2.7     I can substitute positive and negative integers into expressions and
              formulae, including with powers

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Year 8 core

Year 8 extension

Year 9 core

Year 9 extension

Year 11 crossover

Function machines

A.3.1     I can use function machines and find the output, input or function

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Year 7 support

Year 7 core

Year 11 foundation

Solving equations

A.4.1     I can solve missing number problems using inverse operations

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Year 8 support

Year 11 foundation

A.4.2     I can solve one-step linear equations with positive integer solutions


A.4.2 Wordsearch - image.jpg

AFL questions

A.4.2 AFL questions - image.jpg

Year 8 support

A.4.3     I can solve one-step linear equations

Match three

A.4.3 Match three - image.jpg

Year 8 support

Year 9 support

Year 11 foundation

A.4.4     I can solve two-step linear equations with positive integer solutions

Guess the film - Revenge of the Sith

A.4.4 Guess the film - Revenge of the Sith - image.jpg

Year 8 support

Year 8 core

Year 9 support

Year 11 foundation

A.4.5     I can solve two-step linear equations

RAG Questions

A.4.5 RAG questions - image.jpg

Year 8 core

Year 8 extension

Year 9 support

Year 11 foundation

Year 11 crossover

A.4.6     I can solve linear equations with one unknown on one side
              including brackets and fractions

Solving equations - Fill it in

A.4.6 - Solving equations fill it in - image.JPG

Exit ticket

A.4.6 Exit ticket - image.jpg

Year 8 core

Year 8 extension

Year 9 support

Year 11 foundation

Year 11 crossover

A.4.7     I can write simple equations from a problem or area and perimeter of shapes

Backwards fading booklet

A.4.7 Backwards fading exam questions booklet - image.jpg

Goal free problem

A.4.7 Goal free problem - image.jpg

Year 8 support

Year 8 core

Year 9 support

Year 9 core

Year extension

Year 11 foundation

Goal free problem

A.4.7 Goal free problem2 - image.jpg
A.4.8     I can construct and solve simple linear equations with integer
              coefficients and unknown on one side

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Year 8 core

Year 8 extension

Year 9 support

Year 9 core

Year 11 foundation

A.4.9     I can solve linear equations with one unknown on both sides


A.4.9 Bingo - image.jpg

Spot the mistake

A.4.9 Spot the mistake - image.jpg

Year 8 core

Year 8 extension

Year 9 core

Year 11 crossover

A.4.10     I can solve linear equations with one unknown on both sides
                and those involving brackets

Match three

A.4.10 Match three - image.jpg

Year 8 extension

Year 9 core

Year 9 extension

Year 11 crossover

A.4.11     I can construct and solve linear equations with one unknown on both sides

Backwards fading booklet

A.4.11 Backwards fading exam questions booklet - image.jpg

Year 8 extension

Year 9 core

Year 9 extension

Year 11 crossover

A.4.12     I can check the solution to an equation by using substitution

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Year 8 support

Year 8 core

Year 8 extension

Year 9 support

Changing the subject

A.5.1     I can change the subject of a formula

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Year 8 extension

Year 9 extension

Year 11 crossover

A.5.2     I can change the subject of a formula, where factorising is required

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Year 9 extension

Function notation

A.6.1     I can obtain the output or input of a function using function notation

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Year 11 higher

Year 11 extension

A.6.2     I can write the reverse process of a function as the "inverse function"

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Year 11 higher

Year 11 extension

A.6.3     I can use the succession of two functions as a "composite function",
              including writing this as a single function

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Year 11 higher

Year 11 extension

A.6.4     I can solve problems involving functions

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Year 11 extension


A.7.1     I can expand the product of two binomials

RAG questions

A.7.1 RAG questions - image.jpg


A.7.1 Wordsearch - image.jpg

Year 8 extension

Year 9 extension

Year 11 crossover

Guess the film - Jurassic park

A.7.1 Guess the film - Jurassic park - image.jpg
A.7.2     I can expand the product of two or more binomials

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Year 10 higher

Year 10 extension

A.7.3     I can factorise a quadratic expression of the form x² + bx + c,
              including using the difference of two squares

I do, you do

A.7.3 I do you do slides - image.jpg

RAG questions

A.7.3 RAG questions - image.jpg

Year 8 extension

Year 9 extension

Year 10 higher

Year 11 crossover


A.7.3 Bingo - image.jpg
A.7.4     I can factorise a quadratic expression of the form ax² + bx + c

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Year 10 extension

A.7.5     I can solve quadratic equations containing x² by factorising

I do, you do

A.7.5 I do you do slides - image.jpg

Guess the film - Johnny English

A.7.5 Guess the film - Johnny English - image.jpg

Year 9 extension

Year 10 higher

Year 11 crossover

A.7.6     I can solve quadratic equations containing ax² by factorising

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Year 10 extension

A.7.7     I can solve quadratic equations using the quadratic formula

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Year 10 higher

Year 10 extension

A.7.8     I can complete the square on an algebraic expression

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Year 9 extension

A.7.9     I can solve quadratic equations by completing the square

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Year 10 higher

Year 10 extension

A.7.10     I can solve any quadratic equation including those that need rearrangement


A.7.10 Blooming - image.jpg

Year 10 higher

Year 10 extension

A.7.11     I can find approximate solutions to quadratic equations using a graph

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Year 10 higher

Year 10 extension

Simultaneous equations

A.8.1     I can solve two linear simultaneous equations in two variables algebraically
              with integer solutions

What do you think?

A.8.1 What do you think - image.png

Exit ticket

A.8.1 Exit ticket - image.jpg

Year 9 core

Year 9 extension

Year 10 higher

Year 10 extension

Year 11 crossover

A.8.2     I can solve two linear simultaneous equations in two variables algebraically

Collect the joke

A.8.2 Collect the joke - image.jpg

Misinformation sheet

A.8.2 Misinformation sheet - image.jpg

Year 9 extension

Year 10 higher

Year 10 extension

Year 11 crossover

A.8.3     I can form and solve two linear simultaneous equations in
              two variables algebraically

Level up

A.8.3 Level up - image.jpg

Year 9 extension

Year 10 higher

Year 10 extension

Year 11 crossover

A.8.4     I can solve two linear simultaneous equations in two variables graphically

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Year 10 higher

Year 10 extension

A.8.5     I can solve two simultaneous equations (one linear, one quadratic)
              algebraically when y is the subject in both

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Year 10 higher

Year 10 extension

A.8.6    I can solve two simultaneous equations (one linear, one quadratic) algebraically

Collect a joke

A.8.6 Collect the joke - image.jpg


A.8.6 Challenge1 - image.jpg

Year 10 extension


A.8.6 Challenge - image.jpg
A.8.7    I can solve two simultaneous equations (one linear, one quadratic)
             approximately graphically

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Year 10 higher

Year 10 extension


A.9.1    I can list the integers that satisfy an inequality

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Year 8 support

Year 8 core

A.9.2    I can represent an inequality on a number line

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Year 8 support

A.9.3    I can solve one step linear inequalities in one variable

Guess the film - Home

A.9.3 Guess the film - Home - image.jpg

Year 8 support

A.9.4    I can solve two step linear inequalities in one variable

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Year 8 core

Year 8 extension

A.9.5    I can represent the solution of a linear inequality on a number line

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Year 8 core

Year 8 extension

A.9.6    I can solve linear inequalities with an inequality on each side,
             and represent the solution on a number line

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Year 8 extension

A.9.7    I can represent the solution of a single linear inequality in two variables
             on a graph

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Year 10 higher

A.9.8    I can represent the solution of linear inequalities in two variables on a graph
             by finding the region

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Year 10 extension

A.9.9    I can solve quadratic inequalities in one variable

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Year 10 higher

Year 10 extension

A.9.10    I can represent the solution of a quadratic inequality on a graph

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Year 10 extension


A.10.1    I can show that a complex equation has a solution between two values

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Year 11 higher

Year 11 extension

A.10.2    I can find a given xn using iteration


A.10.2 Challenge - image.jpg

Year 11 higher

Year 11 extension

A.10.3    I can rearrange an equation so that the iterative process can be used to
               find its solutions

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Year 11 higher

Year 11 extension

A.10.4    I can find approximate solutions to equations using iteration,
               including using suffix notation in recursive formulae

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Year 11 higher

Year 11 extension


A.11.1    I can find the term to term rule of a sequence

True or false

A.11.1 True or false - image.jpg

Guess the film - Finding nemo

A.11.1 Guess the film - Finding nemo - image.jpg

Year 7 support

Year 7 core

Year 7 extension

Year 9 support

A.11.2    I can continue a sequence and find missing terms within a sequence

Multiple choice questions

A.11.2 MCQs.jpg

RAG questions

A.11.2 RAG questions - image.jpg

Year 7 support

Year 7 core

Year 9 support

A.11.3    I can find the next term of a diagrammatic sequence

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Year 7 support

Year 7 core

Year 9 support

A.11.4    I can find the nth term of a linear sequence


A.11.4 Wordsearch - image.jpg

We do slides

A.11.4 We do slides - image.png

5 questions

A.11.4 5 questions - image.jpg

Scaffolded worksheet

A.11.4 Scaffolded worksheet - image.jpg

Year 7 core

Year 7 extension

Year 9 support

Year 9 core

A.11.5    I can find the nth term of a linear diagrammatic sequence

I do, you do slides

A.11.5 I do you do slides - image.jpg

Questions booklet


Year 9 core

Year 9 extension

Goal free problem

A.11.5 Goal free problem - image.jpg
A.11.6    I can use the nth term of a linear sequence to solve a problem

AFL questions

A.11.6 AFL questions - image.jpg

Fill in the blanks worksheet

A.11.6 Fill in the blanks worksheet - image.jpg

Year 7 extension

Year 9 core

Year 9 extension

Tick or trash

A.11.6 Tick or trash - image.jpg

Guess the film - Snow white

A.11.6 Guess the film - image.jpg
A.11.7    I can recognise and continue recursive (Fibonacci-type) sequences

Odd one out

A.11.7 Odd one out - image.jpg

Year 7 extension

Year 9 support

Year 9 core

A.11.8    I can find and use the nth term of geometric sequences
               (r^n, where r and n are integers)

Guess the film - The Little Mermaid

A.11.8 Guess the film - The little mermaid - image.jpg

Year 9 extension

A.11.9    I can find and use the nth term of geometric sequences
                (r^n, where n is an integer and r can be a surd)

No resources here yet - I'm working on it!

Year 10 extension

A.11.10    I can find the nth term of any quadratic sequence

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Year 9 extension

A.11.11    I can find the nth term of a diagrammatic quadratic sequence

No resources here yet - I'm working on it!

Year 9 extension


A.12.1    I can plot and read x and y coordinates in all four quadrants

AFL questions

A.12.1 AFL questions - image.jpg

Year 7 support

Year 9 support

Year 10 foundation

A.12.2    I can solve simple problems on a coordinate grid

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Year 7 support

Year 7 core

Year 9 support

Year 9 core

Year 10 foundation

A.12.3    I can solve complex problems on a coordinate grid

Goal free problem

A.12.2 Goal free problem - image.jpg

Year 7 extensoin

Year 9 extension

Year 10 crossover

A.12.4    I can find the midpoint of two points

Guess the film - Wall-e

A.12.4 Guess the film - Walle - image.jpg

Year 7 support

Year 9 support

A.12.5    I can find the midpoint of two points and the endpoint when given
               the midpoint and one endpoint

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Year 7 core

Year 7 extension

Year 9 support

Year 9 core

Year 10 foundation

Year 10 crossover

Straight line graphs

A.13.1    I can plot coordinates from a rule to generate a straight line

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Year 7 support

Year 9 support

Year 10 foundation

A.13.2    I can use a table of values to plot graphs of simple linear functions

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Year 7 support

Year 7 core

Year 7 extension

Year 9 support

Year 9 core

Year 9 extension

Year 10 foundation

Year 10 crossover

A.13.3    I can identify the equations of horizontal and vertical lines

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Year 7 support

Year 7 core

Year 9 support

Year 10 foundation

Year 10 crossover

A.13.4    I can identify the y intercept of a linear graph from the equation and the graph

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Year 7 core

Year 7 extension

Year 9 support

Year 9 core

Year 10 foundation

A.13.5    I can interpret the gradient of a linear graph and identify it from the equation

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Year 7 core

Year 9 support

Year 9 core

Year 10 foundation

A.13.6    I can identify the gradient of a linear graph from the equation and the graph

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Year 7 extension

Year 9 core

Year 10 crossover

A.13.7    I can use the form y = mx + c to interpret the graph

What do you think?

A.13.7 What do you think - image.jpg

Year 7 extension

Year 9 core

Year 9 extension

Year 10 foundation

Year 10 crossover

A.13.8    I can identify the equation of a linear graph from the graph

Goal free problem

A.13.8 Goal free problem - image.jpg

Year 9 core

Year 9 extension

Year 10 foundation

Year 10 crossover

Year 10 higher

A.13.9    I can use the form y = mx + c to identify parallel lines

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Year 7 core

Year 7 extension

Year 9 core

Year 9 extension

Year 10 foundation

Year 10 crossover

Year 10 higher

Year 10 extension

A.13.10    I can use the form y = mx + c to identify perpendicular lines

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Year 9 extension

Year 10 higher

Year 10 extension

A.13.11    I can find the equation of a line when given the gradient (or parallel line)
                  and a point

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Year 7 extension

Year 9 extension

Year 10 crossover

Year 10 higher

Year 10 extension

A.13.12    I can find the equation of a line through two given points

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Year 9 extension

Year 10 crossover

Year 10 higher

Year 10 extension

Real life graphs

A.14.1    I can read and interpret real life linear graphs (e.g. conversion graphs)

Goal free problem

A.14.1 Goal free problem - image.jpg

Year 7 support

Year 7 core

Year 10 foundation

Quadratic graphs

A.15.1    I can plot graphs of quadratic functions

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Year 10 foundation

Year 10 crossover

Year 10 higher

Year 10 extension

A.15.2    I can complete the square to find the turning point of quadratic functions

No resources here yet - I'm working on it!

Year 11 higher

Year 11 extension

A.15.3    I can find the roots, intercepts and turning point of quadratic functions

Odd one out

A.15.3 Odd one out - image.jpg

Year 11 higher

Year 11 extension

A.15.4    I can use the roots, intercepts and turning point of quadratic functions
               to sketch the graph

Goal free problem

A.15.4 Goal free problem - image.jpg

Year 11 higher

Year 11 extension

Other curved graphs

A.16.1    I can plot graphs of simple cubic functions

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Year 10 crossover

Year 10 higher

Year 10 extension

A.16.2    I can plot graphs of exponential functions y = a^x for positive a

No resources here yet - I'm working on it!

Year 10 crossover

Year 10 higher

Year 10 extension

A.16.3    I can plot graphs of simple reciprocal functions y = n/a where a is not 0

Exam style questions booklet

A.16.3 Exam style questions booklet - image.jpg

Year 10 crossover

Year 10 higher

Year 10 extension

Equation of a circle

A.17.1    I can recognise and interpret the equation of a circle with centre at the origin

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Year 10 higher

Year 10 extension

A.17.2    I can calculate whether a given point lies inside, on or outside a circle

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Year 10 higher

Year 10 extension

A.17.3    I can solve problems using the equation of a circle

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Year 10 higher

Year 10 extension

A.17.4    I can find the equation of a tangent to a circle at a given point

No resources here yet - I'm working on it!

Year 10 higher

Year 10 extension

A.17.5    I can solve problems including find the equation of a tangent to a circle
               at a given point

No resources here yet - I'm working on it!

Year 10 higher

Year 10 extension

Trigonometric graphs

A.18.1    I can recognise and sketch graphs of trigonometric functions

No resources here yet - I'm working on it!

Year 11 higher

Year 11 extension

A.18.2    I can use the graphs of trigonometric functions to find the solutions to
               a trigonometric equation between a given range

No resources here yet - I'm working on it!

Year 11 extension

A.18.3    I can recognise and sketch graphs of transformed trigonometric functions
                and state the turning points

No resources here yet - I'm working on it!

Year 11 extension

Transforming graphs

A.19.1    I can describe and sketch translations of functions

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Year 11 higher

Year 11 extension

A.19.2    I can describe and sketch stretches of functions

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Year 11 higher

Year 11 extension

A.19.3    I can describe and sketch reflections of functions

No resources here yet - I'm working on it!

Year 11 higher

Year 11 extension

A.19.4    I can describe and sketch combined transformations of functions

No resources here yet - I'm working on it!

Year 11 higher

Year 11 extension

A.19.5    I can interpret the effect combined transformations of functions
               on specific points

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Year 11 higher

Year 11 extension

Algebraic proof

A.20.1    I can use algebra to construct arguments and prove identities

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Year 8 extension

Year 9 extension

Year 11 crossover

Year 11 higher

Year 11 extension

A.20.2    I can disprove by counterexample

Level up

A.20.2 Level up - image.jpg

Year 11 higher

Year 11 extension

A.20.3    I can express a number property using algebra

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Year 11 higher

Year 11 extension

A.20.4    I can construct simple algebraic proofs

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Year 11 higher

Year 11 extension

A.20.5    I can construct complex algebraic proofs

No resources here yet - I'm working on it!

Year 11 higher

Year 11 extension

A.20.6    I can construct complex algebraic proofs in a problem solving context

No resources here yet - I'm working on it!

Year 11 higher

Year 11 extension

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