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Geometry and measures

2D Shapes

G.1.1     I know the properties of polygons (and know their names)

Naming shapes quiz

G.1.1 Name the shape quiz - image.jpg

Year 8 support

Year 8 core

G.1.2     I can identify the symmetries of all 2D shapes and name them

What do you think?

G.1.2 What do you think - image.jpg

Year 7 support

Year 7 core

Year 7 extension

Year 9 support

G.1.3     I can classify triangles using angle and side properties


G.1.3 Challenge - image.jpg

Ask an expert

G.1.3 Ask an expert - image.jpg

Year 7 support

Year 7 core

Year 9 support

G.1.4     I can recognise and classify quadrilaterals from their properties

Fill in the blanks

G.1.4 Classifying quadrilaterals slides - image.jpg

Classifying quadrilaterals

G.1.4 Classifying quadrilaterals slides - image.jpg

Year 7 core

Year 7 extension

Year 9 support

Guess the film - Shrek

G.1.4 Guess the film - Shrek.jpg
G.1.5     I can recognise and name the parts of a circle


G.1.5 Wordsearch - image.jpg

AFL questions

G.1.5 AFL questions - image.jpg

Year 8 core

Year 8 extension

Year 10 higher

Year 10 extension

Guess the film - Top gun maverick

G.1.5 Guess the film - Top gun Maverick - image.jpg

3D Shapes

G.2.1     I can name 3D shapes

Odd one out

G.2.1 Odd one out - image.jpg

Year 8 support

Year 9 support

G.2.2     I can recognise and complete the nets of 3D shapes

No resources here yet - I'm working on it!

Year 8 support

Year 8 core

Year 8 extension

Year 9 support

G.2.3     I can identify the properties of 3D shapes

No resources here yet - I'm working on it!

Year 8 support

Year 8 core

Year 9 support

G.2.4     I can construct and interpret plans and elevations of 3D shapes

No resources here yet - I'm working on it!

Year 8 support

Year 8 core

Year 8 extension

Year 9 support

Year 9 core

Units and measurements

G.3.1     I can organise units into measures of length, mass and capacity

Odd one out

G.3.1 Odd one out - image.jpg

Year 7 support

Year 10 foundation

G.3.2     I can estimate measurements from real life situations

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Year 7 support

Year 7 core

G.3.3     I can measure a length in cm or mm

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Year 7 support

G.3.4     I can convert between metric measures

Ask an expert

G.3.4 Ask an expert - image.jpg

RAG questions

G.3.4 RAG questions - image.jpg

Year 7 support

Year 7 core

Year 8 support

Year 10 foundation

Multiple choice questions

G.3.4 MCQs - image.jpg

Guess the film - Men in black

G.3.4 Guess the film - image.jpg
G.3.5     I can compare and order measures of length including when the units
              are different

Level up

G.3.5 Level up - image.jpg

Year 7 support

Year 7 core

Year 7 extension

Year 8 support

Year 10 foundation

G.3.6     I can convert between units of area and volume

Guess the film - Titanic

G.3.6 Guess the film - Titanic - image.jpg

Year 8 core

Year 8 extension

Perimeter and Area

G.4.1     I can find perimeters of simple shapes

Exit ticket

G.4.1 Exit ticket - image.jpg

Year 7 support

G.4.2     I can find the perimeter of rectangles and shapes made from rectangles


G.4.2 Challenge - image.jpg

Year 7 support

Year 7 core

Year 7 extension

Year 8 support

Year 10 foundation

G.4.3     I can find the missing length of a shape when given the perimeter

No resources here yet - I'm working on it!

Year 7 core

Year 7 extension

Year 8 support

Year 9 core

Year 10 foundation

G.4.4     I can find areas by counting squares and part squares

Exit ticket

G.4.4 Exit ticket - image.jpg

Year 7 support

G.4.5     I can find the area of rectangles

No resources here yet - I'm working on it!

Year 7 support

Year 7 core

G.4.6     I can find the area of compound shapes made from rectangles

No resources here yet - I'm working on it!

Year 7 support

Year 7 core

Year 8 support

Year 10 foundation

G.4.7     I can find the area of parallelograms

Exit ticket

G.4.7 Exit ticket - image.jpg


G.4.7 Bingo - image.jpg

Year 7 support

Year 7 core

Year 7 extension

Year 8 support

Year 8 core

Year 10 foundation

Spot the mistake

G.4.7 Spot the mistake - image.jpg
G.4.8     I can find the area of triangles

RAG questions

G.4.8 RAG questions - image.jpg

Year 7 core

Year 7 extension

Year 8 support

Year 8 core

Year 9 support

Year 9 core

Year 10 foundation

Year 11 foundation

G.4.9     I can find the area of trapeziums

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Year 7 extension

Year 8 support

Year 8 core

Year 8 extension

Year 9 support

Year 10 foundation

Year 10 crossover

G.4.10     I can find the missing length of a shape when given the area

No resources here yet - I'm working on it!

Year 7 core

Year 7 extension

Year 8 support

Year 8 core

Year 9 support

Year 9 core

Year 10 foundation

G.4.11     I can find the area of compound shapes

Exam style question booklet with hints Rectangles and parts of circles

G.4.11 Exam style questions booklet with hints - image.JPG

Year 7 core

Year 7 extension

Year 8 core

Year 8 extension

Year 10 foundation

Year 10 crossover

G.4.12     I can solve functional problems by finding the area or perimeter of
                compound shapes made from rectangles

No resources here yet - I'm working on it!

Year 7 core

Year 7 extension

Year 8 support

Year 8 core

Year 10 foundation

Year 10 crossover

G.4.13     I can solve complex problems regarding the perimeter and area of given shapes

No resources here yet - I'm working on it!

Year 7 extension

Year 8 core

Year 8 extension

Year 10 crossover

Volume and surface area

G.5.1     I can calculate the volume of a shape by counting cubes


G.5.1 Wordsearch - image.jpg

Match up

G.5.1 Match up - image.jpg

Year 8 support

Year 9 support

Tick or trash

G.5.1 Tick or trash - image.jpg


G.5.1 Challenge - image.jpg
G.5.2     I can calculate the volume of a cuboid

Level up

G.5.2 Level up - image.jpg

Year 8 support

Year 8 core

Year 9 support

Year 9 core

Year 10 foundation

G.5.3     I can calculate the surface area of cubes and cuboids

Match up

G.5.3 Match up - image.png


G.5.3 Worksheet - image.jpg

Year 8 support

Year 8 core

Year 9 support

Year 9 core

Year 10 foundation

G.5.4     I can calculate the volume and surface area of cuboids and
              solve problems involving these

Goal free problem

G.5.4 Goal free problem - image.jpg

Year 8 core

Year 8 extension

Year 9 support

Year 9 core

Year 10 foundation

Year 10 crossover

G.5.5     I can calculate the volume of prisms

Fill in the blanks worksheet with answers

G.5.5 Fill in the blanks worksheet with answers - image.jpg

Year 8 core

Year 8 extension

Year 9 support

Year 9 core

Year 10 foundation

Year 10 crossover

G.5.6     I can calculate the volume of prisms and solve problems involving these

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Year 8 extension

Year 9 core

Year 10 crossover

G.5.7     I can calculate the surface area of prisms

No resources here yet - I'm working on it!

Year 8 core

Year 8 extension

Year 9 core

Year 10 foundation

Year 10 crossover

G.5.8     I can calculate the volume of prisms including cylinders

AFL questions

G.5.8 AFL questions - image.jpg

Fill in the blanks worksheet with answers

G.5.8 Fill in the blanks worksheet with answers - image.jpg

Year 8 core

Year 8 extension

Year 9 core

Year 9 extension

Year 10 crossover

G.5.9     I can calculate the volume of prisms including cylinders and
               solve problems involving these

No resources here yet - I'm working on it!

Year 8 extension

Year 9 extension

Year 10 higher

Year 10 extension

G.5.10     I can calculate the surface area of prisms including cylinders

Fill in the blanks worksheet with answers

G.5.10 Fill in the blanks - image.jpg


G.5.10 Challenge - image.jpg

Year 8 extension

Year 9 extension

Year 10 crossover

Year 10 higher

Year 10 extension

G.5.11     I can apply the formulae to calculate the volume of a pyramid

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Year 9 extension

Year 10 crossover

Year 10 higher

G.5.12     I can apply the formulae to calculate the volume of a sphere or hemisphere

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Year 9 extension

Year 10 crossover

Year 10 higher

G.5.13     I can apply the formulae to calculate the surface area of a sphere
                or hemisphere

No resources here yet - I'm working on it!

Year 9 extension

Year 10 crossover

G.5.14     I can apply the formulae to calculate the volume of a cone

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Year 9 extension

Year 10 crossover

G.5.15     I can apply the formulae to calculate the volume of a frustum

No resources here yet - I'm working on it!

Year 9 extension

G.5.16     I can apply the formulae to calculate the volume of a cone or frustum
                 involving Pythagoras or similarity

RAG questions

G.5.16 RAG questions - image.jpg

Year 9 extension

Year 10 higher

Year 10 extension

G.5.17     I can apply the formulae to calculate the surface area of a cone

No resources here yet - I'm working on it!

Year 9 extension

Year 10 crossover

G.5.18     I can apply the formulae to calculate the surface area of a cone
                 involving Pythagoras

No resources here yet - I'm working on it!

Year 9 extension

Year 10 higher

Year 10 extension

G.5.19     I can apply the formulae to calculate the volume of a composite solids

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Year 9 extension

Year 10 higher

Year 10 extension

G.5.20     I can apply the formulae to calculate the surface area of a composite solids

No resources here yet - I'm working on it!

Year 9 extension

Year 10 higher

Year 10 extension

G.5.21     I can apply algebra to the formulae for volume and surface area of
                 complex solids to solve problems

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Year 9 extension

Year 10 higher

Year 10 extension

Geometric notation and diagrams

G.6.1     I can identify parallel and perpendicular lines

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Year 8 support

Year 8 core

Year 9 support

Year 9 core

G.6.2     I can correctly use geometrical terms and notation

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Year 7 core

Year 7 extension

Year 9 support

G.7.1     I can calculate the circumference of a circle

RAG questions

G.7.8 RAG questions - image.jpg

Year 7 extension

Year 8 core

Year 8 extension

Year 10 foundation

G.7.2     I can calculate the area of a circle

RAG questions

G.7.2 RAG questions - image.jpg


G.7.2 Challenge - image.jpg

Year 7 extension

Year 8 core

Year 8 extension

Year 10 foundation

G.7.3     I can find the radius or diameter of a circle when given the circumference
              or area

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Year 8 extension

Year 10 crossover

Year 10 higher

Year 10 extension

G.7.4     I calculate exactly with pi to find the area and circumference of circles

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Year 8 extension

Year 10 crossover

G.7.5     I can calculate the area and perimeter of semi circles and quarter circles

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Year 8 extension

Year 10 crossover

G.7.6     I can find the area of compound shapes including parts of circles

Goal free problem

G.7.6 Goal free problem - image.jpg

Exam style question booklet with hints Rectangles and parts of circles

G.4.11 Exam style questions booklet with hints - image.JPG

Year 8 extension

Year 10 crossover

G.7.7     I can solve functional problems by finding the area or perimeter of
              compound shapes including parts of circles

Goal free problem

G.7.7. Goal free problem - image.jpg

Year 8 extension

Year 10 crossover

Year 10 higher

Year 10 extension

G.7.8     I can calculate the length of an arc

Fill in the blanks

G.7.8 Fill in the blanks worksheet with answers - image.jpg


G.7.8 Challenge - image.jpg

Year 10 crossover

Year 10 higher

Year 10 extension

Exit ticket

G.7.8 Exit ticket - image.jpg
G.7.9     I can calculate the area of sectors

Fill in the blanks

G.7.9 Fill in the blanks worksheet with answers - image.jpg

Exit ticket

G.7.9 Exit ticket - image.jpg

Year 10 crossover

Year 10 higher

Year 10 extension

G.7.10     I can find the perimeter of a sector when given the area or the area
                 when given the perimeter

No resources here yet - I'm working on it!

Year 10 higher

Year 10 extension

G.7.11     I can solve problems involving lengths of circular arcs or area of sectors


G.7.11 Challenge - image.jpg

Year 10 higher

Year 10 extension

G.8.1     I can recognise acute, right, obtuse and reflex angles and define them


G.8.1 Wordsearch - image.jpg

Ask an expert

G.8.1 Ask an expert - image.jpg

Year 7 support

G.8.2     I can accurately draw angles of a given size

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Year 7 support

Year 7 core

Year 7 extension

Year 8 support

G.8.3     I can accurately measure acute and obtuse angles

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Year 7 support

G.8.4     I can accurately measure reflex angles

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Year 7 support

G.8.5     I can accurately measure angles in geometrical diagrams

Booklet of exam style questions

G.8.5 Worksheet - image.jpg

Year 7 core

Year 7 extension

Year 8 support

Year 8 core

Year 8 extension

G.8.6     I can apply the sum of angles at a point, on a straight line and in a triangle

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Year 7 support

Year 7 core

Year 7 extension

Year 8 support

Year 9 support

Year 10 foundation

G.8.7     I can find unknown angles in a triangle and quadrilateral

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Year 7 support

Year 7 core

Year 9 support

Year 10 foundation

G.8.8     I can find missing angles in special types of triangles

No resources here yet - I'm working on it!

Year 7 core

Year 7 extension

Year 8 support

Year 8 core

Year 9 support

Year 10 foundation

G.8.9     I can apply the properties of quadrilaterals to find missing angles

No resources here yet - I'm working on it!

Year 7 extension

Year 9 support

Year 10 foundation

G.8.10     I can solve an angle problem using the standard angle facts

No resources here yet - I'm working on it!

Year 7 core

Year 7 extension

Year 8 support

Year 8 core

Year 8 extension

Year 10 foundation

Year 10 crossover

Angles in parallel lines

G.9.1     I can use alternate, corresponding and co-interior angles to find a missing
               angle on a parallel line

AFL questions

G.9.1 AFL questions - image.jpg

Match up - Angle properties

G.9.1 Match the diagram to the correct property - image.jpg

Year 8 support

Year 8 core

Year 8 extension

Year 10 foundation

Year 10 crossover


G.9.1 Wordsearch - image.jpg

Match up - Complete the joke

G.9.1 Match up - image.jpg
G.9.2     I can solve complex angle problems using alternate, corresponding
              and co-interior angles properties

Exit ticket

G.9.2 Exit ticket - image.jpg

Goal free problem

G.9.2 Goal free problem - image.jpg

Year 8 core

Year 8 extension

Year 10 crossover

Angles in polygons

G.10.1     I can use the sum of angles in a triangle to deduce the angle sum of a polygon


G.10.1 Wordsearch - image.jpg

Year 7 extension

Year 8 support

Year 8 core

Year 10 crossover

G.10.2     I can find unknown interior angles in any regular or irregular polygon

No resources here yet - I'm working on it!

Year 7 extension

Year 8 core

Year 8 extension

Year 10 foundation

Year 10 crossover

G.10.3     I can solve problems using the interior angles of regular polygons

Misinformation sheet

G.10.3 Misinformation sheet - image.jpg

Year 8 extension

Year 10 crossover

G.10.4     I can find the exterior angle of any regular polygon

No resources here yet - I'm working on it!

Year 8 support

Year 8 core

Year 8 extension

Year 10 foundation

Year 10 crossover

G.10.5     I can find the number of sides of a regular polygon using its interior
                 or exterior angle size

Ask an expert

G.10.5 Ask an expert - image.jpg

Year 8 extension

Year 10 crossover

G.10.6     I can solve problems by finding the number of sides of a regular polygon
                 using its interior or exterior angle size

No resources here yet - I'm working on it!

Year 8 extension

Year 10 crossover


G.11.1     I know and can use the cardinal directions

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Year 9 extension

Year 10 foundation

Year 10 crossover

G.11.2     I can construct and measure bearings on diagrams


G.11.2 MCQs - image.jpg

Goal free problem

G.11.2 Goal free problem - image.jpg

Year 9 extension

Year 10 crossover

G.11.3     I can find the bearing from B to A, when given the bearing of A to B

No resources here yet - I'm working on it!

Year 9 extension

Year 10 crossover

G.11.4     I can solve bearing problems including Pythagoras and
                right-angled trigonometry

No resources here yet - I'm working on it!

Year 9 extension

G.11.5     I can solve bearing problems including advanced trigonometry

Goal free problem

G.11.5 Goal free problem - image.jpg

Year 11 extension

Pythagoras and trigonometry

G.12.1     I can use Pythagoras's theorem to find a missing length in right-angled triangles

Fill in the blanks worksheet with answers

G.12.1 Fill in the blanks worksheet with answers - image.jpg

Year 9 crossover

Year 9 higher

Year 11 foundation

Year 11 crossover

G.12.2     I can apply Pythagoras' theorem to solve a real life problem

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Year 9 core

Year 9 extension

Year 11 foundation

Year 11 crossover

G.12.3     I can apply Pythagoras' theorem to solve a problem involving area or
                 perimeter of shapes

Goal free problem

G.12.3 Goal free problem - image.jpg

Year 9 core

Year 9 extension

Year 11 foundation

Year 11 crossover

G.12.4     I can apply Pythagoras' theorem to prove whether a triangle is right-angled or not

No resources here yet - I'm working on it!

Year 9 core

Year 9 extension

Year 11 foundation

Year 11 crossover

G.12.5     I can apply Pythagoras' theorem to solve problems in 3D

No resources here yet - I'm working on it!

Year 11 higher

Year 11 extension

G.12.6     I can use the trigonometric ratios to find a missing length in a
                right-angled triangle

Backwards fading booklet

Tangent ratio only

G.12.6 Backwards fading questions booklet - image(1).JPG

Backwards fading booklet

Sine and cosine ratios only

G.12.6 Backwards fading questions booklet - sine and cosine - image(1).JPG

Year 9 extension

Year 11 crossover

Collect a joke

G.12.6 Collect a joke.JPG
G.12.7     I can use the trigonometric ratios to find a missing angle in a right-angled triangle

No resources here yet - I'm working on it!

Year 9 extension

Year 11 crossover

G.12.8     I can identify when to use Pythagoras' theorem and when to use the
                 trigonometric ratios

No resources here yet - I'm working on it!

Year 9 extension

Year 11 crossover

G.12.9     I can solve problems using Pythagoras's theorem and trigonometry

Goal free problem

G.12.9 Goal free problem - image.jpg

Year 9 extension

G.12.10     I can apply the trigonometric ratios to solve problems in 3D

No resources here yet - I'm working on it!

Year 11 higher

Year 11 extension

G.12.11     I know the exact values of sin θ and cos θ for θ = 0°, 30°, 45°, 60° and 90°,
                   and tan θ for θ = 0°, 30°, 45°, 60°

No resources here yet - I'm working on it!

Year 11 crossover Year 11 higher

Year 11 extension

G.12.12     I can solve problems using Pythagoras's theorem and trigonometry
                   without a calculator

No resources here yet - I'm working on it!

Year 11 crossover Year 11 higher

Year 11 extension

G.12.13     I can apply the sine rule to find a missing length

No resources here yet - I'm working on it!

Year 11 higher

G.12.14     I can apply the sine rule to find a missing angle

No resources here yet - I'm working on it!

Year 11 higher

G.12.15     I can apply the cosine rule to find a missing length

Goal free problem

G.12.15 Goal free problem - image.jpg

Year 11 higher

G.12.16     I can apply the cosine rule to find a missing angle

Goal free problem

G.12.16 Goal free problem - image.jpg

Year 11 higher

Year 11 extension

G.12.17     I solve problems using the sine and cosine rules to find unknown lengths
                  and angles

No resources here yet - I'm working on it!

Year 11 extension

G.12.18     I can identify when to use Pythagoras' theorem, the trigonometric ratios
                   and the sine/cosine rules

Flow chart

G.12.8 Flow chart - image.jpg

Exam style questions booklet

G.12.18 Exam style questions booklet - image.JPG

Year 11 higher

Year 11 extension

G.12.19     I can apply the formula A = ½absinC to calculate the area of a triangle

No resources here yet - I'm working on it!

Year 11 higher

Year 11 extension

G.12.20     I can apply the formula A = ½absinC to calculate the sides or angles of a triangle

No resources here yet - I'm working on it!

Year 11 extension

G.12.21     I can apply the formula A = ½absinC to calculate the area of a segment

No resources here yet - I'm working on it!

Year 11 extension

Circle theorems

G.13.1     I can use the standard circle theorems to find a missing angle

Goal free problem

G.13.3 Goal free problem - image.jpg

Year 10 higher

Year 10 extension

G.13.2     I can identify the standard circle theorems and match them to their
                correct statements

No resources here yet - I'm working on it!

Year 10 higher

Year 10 extension

G.13.3     I can apply the standard circle theorems to find a missing angle in a
                complex problem


G.13.3 Challenge - image.jpg

Year 10 higher

Year 10 extension

G.13.4     I can prove the standard circle theorems

No resources here yet - I'm working on it!

Year 10 extension


G.14.1     I can transform 2D shapes by translating on a grid given directions

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Year 8 support

G.14.2     I can transform 2D shapes by translating using column vector notation on
                a coordinate grid

AFL questions

G.14.2 AFL questions - image.jpg

Year 8 core

Year 8 extension

Year 10 foundation

Year 10 crossover

Year 10 higher

Year 10 extension

G.14.3     I can transform 2D shapes by reflecting in vertical and horizontal mirror lines
                 on a grid

No resources here yet - I'm working on it!

Year 8 support

G.14.4     I can transform 2D shapes by reflecting in x = a or y = b lines on a coordinate grid

No resources here yet - I'm working on it!

Year 8 core

Year 8 extension

Year 10 foundation

Year 10 crossover

Year 10 higher

Year 10 extension

G.14.5     I can transform 2D shapes by reflecting in diagonal mirror lines on a grid

No resources here yet - I'm working on it!

Year 8 support

Year 8 core

Year 8 extension

Year 10 foundation

G.14.6     I can transform 2D shapes by rotating them multiples of 90 degrees in a
                 given direction on a grid

No resources here yet - I'm working on it!

Year 8 support

Year 10 foundation

G.14.7     I can transform 2D shapes by rotating them about a given point on a grid

No resources here yet - I'm working on it!

Year 8 core

G.14.8     I can transform 2D shapes by rotating them about a point on a coordinate grid

No resources here yet - I'm working on it!

Year 8 extension

Year 10 foundation

Year 10 crossover

Year 10 higher

Year 10 extension

G.14.9     I can construct similar shapes by enlargement of a positive integer scale factor
                on a grid


G.14.9 Worksheet - image.jpg

Spot the mistake

G.14.9 Spot the mistake - image.jpg

Year 8 support

Year 8 core

Year 10 foundation

G.14.10     I can construct similar shapes by enlargement of a positive integer scale factor
                   from a given point on a grid

No resources here yet - I'm working on it!

Year 8 extension

Year 10 foundation

G.14.11     I can construct similar shapes by enlargement of a positive integer scale factor
                   from a given point on a coordinate grid

No resources here yet - I'm working on it!

Year 10 crossover

Year 10 higher

Year 10 extension

G.14.12     I can construct enlargements using fractional scale factors


G.14.12 Worksheet - image.jpg

Year 10 crossover

Year 10 higher

Year 10 extension

G.14.13     I can construct enlargements using negative scale factors

Spot the mistake

G.14.13 Spot the mistake - image.jpg

Year 10 higher

Year 10 extension

G.14.14     I can identify and describe enlargements including fractional and
                   negative scale factors

No resources here yet - I'm working on it!

Year 10 higher

Year 10 extension

G.14.15     I can perform combinations of transformations on a coordinate grid

No resources here yet - I'm working on it!

Year 10 higher

Year 10 extension

G.14.16     I can identify which basic transformation has occurred

No resources here yet - I'm working on it!

Year 8 support

Year 8 core

Year 8 extension

Year 10 foundation

G.14.17     I can identify and describe which transformation has occurred


G.14.17 Wordsearch - image.jpg

Year 10 crossover

Year 10 higher

Year 10 extension

G.14.18     I can describe the effects of combinations of transformations

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Year 10 higher

Year 10 extension

Congruence and similarity

G.15.1     I can find a missing side length in two shapes that are similar

I do, you do

G.15.1 I do you do slides - image.jpg

Year 8 extension

Year 10 foundation

Year 10 crossover

G.15.2     I can find a missing side length in two shapes that are similar in the
                 context of a problem

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Year 10 crossover

Year 10 higher

Year 10 extension

G.15.3     I can prove two triangles are similar

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Year 10 higher

Year 10 extension

G.15.4     I can apply the concepts of similarity, including the relationships between l
                 lengths, areas and volumes in similar figures

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Year 10 higher

Year 10 extension

G.15.5     I can use the basic congruence criteria for triangles (SSS, SAS, ASA, RHS)

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Year 10 higher

Year 10 extension

G.15.6     I can prove two triangles are congruent

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Year 10 higher

Year 10 extension

G.16.1     I can describe directional vectors as column vectors and vice versa

Exam style questions worksheet

G.16.1 Exam style questions questions - image.jpg

Year 10 crossover

Year 11 higher

Year 11 extension

G.16.2     I can add and subtract vectors, and multiply vectors by a scalar
                 (use diagrammatic and column representations)

Exam style questions worksheet

Multiplying by a scalar

G.16.2 Exam style questions questions - Multiplying - image.jpg

Exam style questions worksheet

Adding and subtracting vectors

G.16.2 Exam style questions questions - Adding and subtracting - image.jpg

Year 10 crossover

Year 11 higher

Year 11 extension

Exam style questions booklet

G.16.2 Exam style questions booklet - Foundation.JPG
G.16.3     I can use vectors to solve geometrical problems, including midpoints

Exam style questions worksheet

G.16.3 Exam style questions - image.jpg

Year 11 higher

Year 11 extension

G.16.4     I can use vectors to solve geometrical problems, including midpoints
                 and lines divided into a ratio

Exam style questions worksheet

G.16.4 Exam style questions - image.jpg

Year 11 higher

Year 11 extension

G.16.5     I can use vectors to construct geometrical proofs
                 (lines are parallel, points lie on a straight line)

Exam style questions booklet

G.16.5 Exam style questions booklet - Higher - image.JPG


G.16.5 Challenge - image.jpg

Year 11 higher

Year 11 extension

Constructions and loci

G.17.1     I can accurately construct triangles from ASA and SAS information

RAG sheet

G.17.1 RAG questions - image.jpg

Year 9 support

Year 9 core

G.17.2     I can accurately construct triangles from SSS information

RAG sheet

G.17.2 RAG questions - image.jpg

Year 9 support

Year 9 core

Year 9 extension

G.17.3     I can accurately quadrilaterals from written descriptions

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Year 9 support

Year 9 core

Year 9 extension

G.17.4     I can a ruler and compass to construct a perpendicular bisector of a line


G.17.4 Wordsearch - image.jpg

Year 9 support

Year 9 core

Year 9 extension

G.17.5     I can a ruler and compass to construct perpendicular to a given line from
                 a given point

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Year 9 core

Year 9 extension

G.17.6     I can a ruler and compass to construct an angle bisector

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Year 9 support

Year 9 core

Year 9 extension

G.17.7     I can use constructions to solve simple loci problems

What do you think?

G.17.7 What do you think - image.jpg

Year 9 core

Year 9 extension

G.17.8     I can use constructions to solve complex loci problems

No resources here yet - I'm working on it!

Year 9 extension

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