Ordering and place value
N.1.1 I understand the place value of each digit
Place value chart
Tick or trash
AFL questions
Year 7 support
N.1.2 I can write numbers in figures and words
Odd one out
Year 7 support
Guess the film - The Lorax
N.1.3 I can order and compare positive integers using inequality notation
AFL questions
Year 7 support
N.1.4 I can represent negative numbers on a number line
Exit ticket
Year 8 support
N.1.5 I can interpret negative values in context (e.g. temperature, debt…)
Exit ticket
Year 8 support
Year 8 core
N.1.6 I can compare and order positive and negative integers
Exit ticket
Year 8 support
N.1.7 I can compare and order positive and negative integers using inequality notation
Exit ticket
Year 8 core
N.1.8 I understand decimal place value
Exit ticket
Year 7 support
Year 7 core
Year 7 extension
N.1.9 I can order decimals
Exit ticket
Year 7 support
N.1.10 I can order decimals, including in context
No resources here yet - I'm working on it!
Year 7 support
Year 7 core
N.1.11 I can use decimal notation in the context of money
No resources here yet - I'm working on it!
Year 7 support
N.2.1 I understand the relationship between addition and subtraction using
bar modelling
No resources here yet - I'm working on it!
Year 7 support
N.2.2 I understand and can use the laws of commutativity
No resources here yet - I'm working on it!
Year 7 support
N.2.3 I can use the adjusting method to solve addition and subtraction questions
Guess the film - Clifford the big red dog
Year 7 support
N.2.4 I can add and subtract integers using column method
Year 7 support
N.2.5 I can multiply and divide by powers of 10
Tick or trash
Guess the film - Babe
Year 7 support
Year 7 core
Year 7 extension
Year 9 support
N.2.6 I can recall multiplication facts and their associated division facts
Times table challenges
Year 7 support
Year 7 core
N.2.7 I can use formal written methods to multiply numbers by a single digit integer
Exit ticket
Year 7 support
N.2.8 I can multiply integers using formal written methods
RAG questions
Worksheet (area models)
Year 7 support
Year 7 core
Year 7 extension
Year 9 support
N.2.9 I can use formal written methods to divide integers by a single digit integer
No resources here yet - I'm working on it!
Year 7 support
N.2.10 I can identify the operation required to solve a worded problem
Exit ticket
Year 7 support
Year 7 core
Year 7 extension
Year 9 support
Year 9 core
Year 9 extension
N.3.1 I can add and subtract decimals to 2 decimal places
No resources here yet - I'm working on it!
Year 7 support
N.3.2 I can add and subtract using column method, including decimals
RAG questions
Year 7 core
Year 7 extension
Year 9 support
N.3.3 I can multiply decimals using formal written methods
AFL questions
Backwards fading codebreaker with answers
Year 7 core
Year 7 extension
Year 9 support
Year 9 core
Year 9 extension
N.3.4 I can use formal written methods to divide integers and decimals
by a single digit integer
No resources here yet - I'm working on it!
Year 7 core
Year 7 extension
Year 9 support
N.3.5 I can use formal written methods to divide decimals by a single digit integer
No resources here yet - I'm working on it!
Year 7 support
N.3.6 I can use formal written methods to divide integers and decimals by a
two digit integer
RAG Questions
Year 7 core
Year 9 support
N.3.7 I can use formal written methods to divide integers and decimals by an integer
Rally coach
Year 7 extension
Year 9 core
Year 9 extension
N.3.8 I can use formal written methods to divide an integer by a decimal
Guess the film - Slumdog millionaire
Year 7 extension
Year 9 core
Year 9 extension
N.3.9 I can use formal written methods to divide a decimal by a decimal
I do you do slides
RAG project questions
Year 7 extension
Year 9 core
Year 9 extension
N.4.1 I can convert between pennies and pounds and use currency notation
No resources here yet - I'm working on it!
Year 9 support
N.4.2 I can calculate the total cost of items
No resources here yet - I'm working on it!
Year 9 support
N.4.3 I can calculate the change given
No resources here yet - I'm working on it!
Year 9 support
Year 9 core
N.4.4 I can solve problems with money
No resources here yet - I'm working on it!
Year 9 core
Year 9 extension
N.4.5 I can calculate with and compare special offers
No resources here yet - I'm working on it!
Year 9 support
Year 9 core
Year 9 extension
N.4.6 I can read and complete bank statements
No resources here yet - I'm working on it!
Year 9 support
Year 9 core
Year 9 extension
N.4.7 I can solve problems with bills and prices per unit
No resources here yet - I'm working on it!
Year 9 support
Year 9 core
Year 9 extension
N.4.8 I can calculate instalment payments and deposits
No resources here yet - I'm working on it!
Year 9 support
Year 9 core
Year 9 extension
N.4.9 I can calculate with wages and earnings
Exam style questions booklet with answers
Year 9 support
Year 9 core
Year 9 extension
N.4.10 I can calculate profit and loss
No resources here yet - I'm working on it!
Year 9 support
Year 9 core
Year 9 extension
N.4.11 I can solve complex problems involving profit and loss
No resources here yet - I'm working on it!
Year 9 extension
N.4.12 I can exchange between units of currency
I do you do slides
AFL questions
Year 9 core
Year 9 extension
Level up
Exit ticket
N.5.1 I can add and subtract positive and negative integers
Multiple choice questions
Year 8 support
Year 8 core
Year 8 extension
Year 9 support
Year 9 core
Year 9 extension
Ask an expert
Rally coach
Number line
N.5.2 I can multiply and divide positive and negative integers
AFL questions
Guess the film - The Hunger Games
Year 8 support
Year 8 core
Year 8 extension
Year 9 support
Year 9 core
Year 9 extension
N.5.3 I can solve problems including negative numbers
No resources here yet - I'm working on it!
Year 8 extension
Year 9 extension
N.6.1 I can find the multiples and factors of a given number
I do, you do
RAG project questions
Year 7 support
Year 7 core
Year 7 extension
Year 8 support
Year 11 foundation
Shade it in - multiples
Shade it in - factors
What do you think?
Perfect numbers
N.6.2 I can recognise, list and define prime numbers
AFL questions
Listing the primes
Year 8 support
Year 8 core
Year 8 extension
Year 11 foundation
Year 11 crossover
Shade it in
N.6.3 I can find the LCM of a set of numbers
I do, you do
Rally coach
What do you think?
Guess the film - Ratatouille
Year 8 support
Year 11 foundation
N.6.4 I can solve worded problems involving the lowest common multiple
Level up
Year 7 extension
Year 8 extension
Year 11 foundation
Year 11 crossover
N.6.5 I can find the HCF of a set of numbers
I do, you do
RAG project questions
Year 8 support
Year 11 foundation
N.6.6 I can find the HCF and LCM of a set of numbers
Guess the film - Cars
Year 7 core
Year 7 extension
Year 8 core
Year 8 extension
Year 11 crossover
N.6.7 I can begin to use the unique factorisation theorem
No resources here yet - I'm working on it!
Year 8 support
N.6.8 I can perform prime factor decompositions
I do you do slides
RAG project questions
Spot the mistake
Tick or trash
Year 7 extension
Year 8 core
Year 8 extension
Year 11 foundation
Year 11 crossover
N.6.9 I can use prime factor decomposition to find the HCF or LCM of two numbers
Fill in the blanks worksheet
Year 7 extension
Year 8 extension
Year 11 crossover
N.6.10 I can use the HCF and LCM to find possible pairs of numbers
No resources here yet - I'm working on it!
Year 8 extension
Year 11 crossover
N.7.1 I can apply equal priority laws to calculations (+/- and x/÷)
No resources here yet - I'm working on it!
Year 7 support
Year 7 core
N.7.2 I can use the order of operations to solve simple calculations including +,-,x and ÷
Year 7 support
Year 7 core
N.7.3 I can use the order of operations to solve simple calculations including brackets
No resources here yet - I'm working on it!
Year 7 support
Year 7 core
Year 7 extension
Year 9 support
Year 11 foundation
N.7.4 I can apply the order of operations to the four operations with negative integers
Guess the film - Paddington
Year 8 core
Year 11 foundation
N.7.5 I can apply BIDMAS to solve a calculation including powers and roots
No resources here yet - I'm working on it!
Year 7 core
Year 7 extension
Year 9 support
Year 11 foundation
N.7.6 I can apply BIDMAS to the four operations with negative integers
No resources here yet - I'm working on it!
Year 8 extension
Year 11 foundation
N.7.7 I can solve complex BIDMAS calculations
No resources here yet - I'm working on it!
Year 7 extension
Year 9 core
N.7.8 I can reason and justify by applying the order of operations
No resources here yet - I'm working on it!
Year 7 support
Year 7 core
Year 7 extension
Year 9 support
Year 11 foundation
N.7.9 I can put the brackets into a calculation to make it true
No resources here yet - I'm working on it!
Year 7 core
Year 7 extension
Year 9 support
Year 9 core
Year 11 foundation
N.8.1 I can recognise and define square numbers, cube numbers and powers of 10
Square and cube numbers - Shade it in
Year 8 support
Year 9 support
Year 11 foundation
N.8.2 I can find integer powers and roots
Year 7 core
Year 7 extension
Year 8 support
Year 8 core
Year 9 support
Year 9 core
Year 11 foundation
Year 11 crossover
N.8.3 I can simplify an expression using repeated multiplication
No resources here yet - I'm working on it!
Year 8 support
Year 9 support
N.8.4 I can use the index laws for multiplication and division of integer powers
No resources here yet - I'm working on it!
Year 8 core
Year 8 extension
Year 9 support
Year 9 core
Year 9 extension
N.8.5 I can calculate with fractional indices
Guess the film - Happy Gilmore
Year 9 extension
Year 10 higher
Year 10 extension
N.8.6 I can recognise and find reciprocals and understand a reciprocal as a
multiplicative inverse
No resources here yet - I'm working on it!
Year 8 support
Year 8 core
Year 8 extension
N.8.7 I can calculate with negative indices
No resources here yet - I'm working on it!
Year 9 extension
Year 10 higher
Year 10 extension
N.8.8 I can calculate with fractional and negative indices, including integers
and fractions
RAG questions
Year 10 higher
Year 10 extension
N.8.9 I can solve complex indices problems to find the value of k
No resources here yet - I'm working on it!
Year 10 extension
N.9.1 I can represent and recognise fractions as diagrams
Year 7 support
N.9.2 I can recognise when two fractions are equivalent
Odd one out
AFL questions
Year 7 support
Year 8 suppport
RAG questions
N.9.3 I can simplify fractions using common factors
I do, you do slides
Match three
Year 7 support
Year 7 core
Year 7 extension
Year 8 support
Rally coach
N.9.4 I can represent an improper fraction and a mixed number on a diagram
Odd one out
Year 7 support
N.9.5 I can convert between a mixed number and an improper fraction
I do, you do
RAG project questions
Year 7 support
Year 7 core
Year 7 extension
Year 8 support
Year 8 core
Year 9 support
Guess the film - Cinderella
N.9.6 I can compare fractions with different denominators
RAG questions
Year 7 support
N.9.7 I can compare and order fractions with different denominators
Ordering fractions worksheet
Year 7 core
Year 7 extension
Year 8 support
Year 8 core
Year 8 extension
N.9.8 I can add and subtract fractions with the same denominators
Guess the film - Ice Age
Year 7 support
N.9.9 I can add and subtract fractions with one denominator a multiple of the other
I do you do slides
Fill in the blanks with answers
Year 7 support
Spot the mistakes
N.9.10 I can add and subtract fractions with different denominators
I do, you do slides
AFL questions
Year 7 core
Year 7 extension
Year 8 support
Year 8 core
Year 9 support
Match three
Guess the film - The Addams family
Misinformation sheet
N.9.11 I can add and subtract mixed numbers and improper fractions
I do you do slides
RAG project questions
Year 7 extension
Year 8 core
Year 8 extension
Year 9 core
Year 9 extension
N.9.12 I can solve problems including the addition and subtraction of fractions
No resources here yet - I'm working on it!
Year 7 core
Year 7 extension
Year 8 core
Year 8 extension
Year 9 support
Year 9 core
N.9.13 I can multiply fractions and integers
I do you do slides
Goal free problem
AFL questions
Goal free problem
Year 8 support
Year 8 core
Year 9 support
Guess the film - Charlie and the chocolate factory
N.9.14 I can multiply fractions including improper fractions and mixed numbers
What do you think?
Year 8 extension
Year 9 core
Year 9 extension
N.9.15 I can divide fractions and integers
RAG questions
Guess the film - Lilo and stitch
Year 8 support
Year 8 core
Year 8 extension
Year 9 support
N.9.16 I can divide fractions including improper fractions and mixed numbers
Rally coach
Year 8 extension
Year 9 core
Year 9 extension
N.9.17 I can solve problems including the multiplication and division of fractions
Misinformation sheet
Year 8 core
Year 8 extension
Year 9 support
Year 9 core
N.9.18 I can calculate exactly with fractions, including solving problems
Word search
Year 8 extension
Year 9 core
Year 9 extension
N.9.19 I can find a fraction of a quantity
AFL questions
Year 7 support
Year 7 core
Guess the film - UP
N.9.20 I can perform a fractional increase or decrease
No resources here yet - I'm working on it!
Year 7 core
Year 7 extension
N.9.21 I can express one quantity as a fraction of another
No resources here yet - I'm working on it!
Year 7 support
Year 7 core
N.9.22 I can express one quantity as a fraction or percentage of another
No resources here yet - I'm working on it!
Year 7 extension
N.10.1 I can find a simple percentage of a quantity (10%, 25%, 50%, 100%)
RAG questions
AFL questions
Year 7 support
Year 9 support
Year 10 foundation
Guess the film - How to train your dragon 2
N.10.2 I can find an integer percentage of a quantity
Tick or trash
Year 7 support
Year 9 support
Year 10 foundation
N.10.3 I can find a percentage of a quantity
Guess the film - A series of unfortunate events
Year 7 core
Year 7 extension
Year 9 support
Year 9 core
Year 10 foundation
Year 10 crossover
N.10.4 I can perform a percentage increase or decrease
No resources here yet - I'm working on it!
Year 7 core
Year 7 extension
Year 9 support
Year 10 foundation
N.10.5 I can solve a percentage change problem given in context
No resources here yet - I'm working on it!
Year 7 core
Year 7 extension
Year 9 support
Year 9 core
Year 9 extension
Year 10 foundation
Year 10 crossover
N.10.6 I can identify and work with fractions and percentages in problems
Exam style questions booklet
Year 7 support
Year 9 core
Year 9 extension
Year 10 foundation
Year 10 crossover
N.10.7 I can find the percentage change
AFL questions
Year 7 extension
Year 9 support
Year 9 core
Year 9 extension
Year 10 foundation
Year 10 crossover
N.10.8 I can calculate simple interest
No resources here yet - I'm working on it!
Year 7 extension
Year 9 core
Year 9 extension
Year 10 crossover
N.10.9 I can express percentages and percentage changes as a decimal,
and interpret these multiplicatively
AFL questions
Fill in the blanks worksheet with answers
Year 9 core
Year 9 extension
Year 10 crossover
Guess the film - Avatar
N.10.10 I can calculate compound interest
No resources here yet - I'm working on it!
Year 9 extension
Year 10 crossover
N.10.11 I can solve problems with simple and compound interest
Exit ticket
Year 9 extension
Year 10 crossover
N.10.12 I can find the overall percentage change after repeated percentage changes
Year 9 extension
Year 10 crossover
N.10.13 I can solve original value problems
AFL questions
RAG questions
Year 9 core
Year 9 extension
Year 10 crossover
Match up
N.11.1 I can represent a fractions, decimals and percentages on a hundred square
Year 7 support
Year 7 core
N.11.2 I can find equivalent fractions, decimals and percentages
(with denominator of 100)
Odd one out
Year 7 support
AFL questions
N.11.3 I can find equivalent fractions, decimals and percentages
Guess the film - Monsters Inc
Year 7 support
Year 7 core
Year 7 extension
Year 9 support
Year 9 core
N.11.4 I can compare fractions, decimals and percentages
Tick or trash
Year 7 support
Year 7 core
Year 9 support
N.11.5 I can order fractions, decimals and percentages
Fill in the blanks
Year 7 extension
Year 9 core
Year 9 extension
N.11.6 I can convert fractions into recurring decimals (including ordering)
Rally coach
Year 9 core
Year 9 extension
N.11.7 I can change recurring decimals into fractions
RAG questions
Year 9 extension
N.12.1 I can round to the nearest 10, 100 and 1000
I do you do
Year 7 support
Year 7 core
Year 8 support
Year 10 foundation
N.12.2 I can round to the nearest whole number
I do you do
Year 7 core
Year 7 extension
Year 8 support
Year 8 core
Year 10 foundation
N.12.3 I can round to a given number of decimal places
I do you do
Year 7 core
Year 7 extension
Year 8 support
Year 8 core
Year 10 foundation
N.12.4 I can round to a given number of significant figures
I do you do - integers
RAG project questions - integers
Multiple choice questions
AFL questions - integers
I do you do - decimals
Tick or trash
Year 7 extension
Year 8 support
Year 8 core
Year 8 extension
Year 10 foundation
Guess the film - Ace ventura pet detective
N.12.5 I can round to a given degree of accuracy
Multiple choice questions
Year 8 extension
Year 10 crossover
Collect a joke
N.13.1 I can estimate roots
Guess the film - Kung fu panda
Year 8 core
Year 8 extension
Year 10 foundation
Year 10 crossover
N.13.2 I can use rounding to significant figures to estimate in simple problems
I do you do slides
Year 7 extension
Year 8 support
Year 10 foundation
N.13.3 I can use rounding to significant figures to estimate in calculations
including worded problems
No resources here yet - I'm working on it!
Year 8 core
Year 8 extension
Year 10 foundation
Year 10 crossover
N.13.4 I can use rounding to significant figures to estimate in complex calculations
No resources here yet - I'm working on it!
Year 8 extension
Year 10 crossover
N.14.1 I can begin to understand the concept of bounds when rounding to the
nearest 10, 100 and 1000
No resources here yet - I'm working on it!
Year 7 extension
Year 8 support
Year 8 core
Year 10 foundation
N.14.2 I can use inequality notation to specify simple error intervals due to truncation
No resources here yet - I'm working on it!
Year 10 higher
Year 10 extension
N.14.3 I can use inequality notation to specify simple error intervals due to rounding
RAG questions
Year 8 extension
Year 10 crossover
Year 10 higher
Year 10 extension
N.14.4 I can find upper and lower bounds in simple problems
Guess the film - Barbie
Year 10 higher
Year 10 extension
N.14.5 I can find upper and lower bounds in complex problems
No resources here yet - I'm working on it!
Year 10 extension
N.15.1 I can use a calculator
No resources here yet - I'm working on it!
Year 7 support
Year 7 core
Year 7 extension
N.15.2 I can convert between ordinary numbers and standard form
I do, you do
AFL questions - numbers greater than 1
Rally coach
What do you think?
RAG project questions
AFL questions - numbers between 0 and 1
Explain the misconceptions
Year 7 extension
Year 9 core
Year 9 extension
Guess the film - The Incredibles
N.15.3 I can compare and order numbers written in ordinary and standard form
AFL questions
Level up
Year 7 extension
Year 9 core
Year 9 extension
Year 11 crossover
Exit ticket
N.15.4 I can rewrite a number in correct standard form notation
I do, you do
AFL questions
RAG questions
Match three
Year 7 extension
Year 9 core
Year 9 extension
Year 11 crossover
N.15.5 I can multiply and divide with numbers written in standard form
Maths loop
Year 9 core
Year 9 extension
Year 11 crossover
N.15.6 I can add and subtract with numbers written in standard form
We do, you do
RAG questions
Year 9 extension
Year 11 crossover
Explain the misconception
N.15.7 I can solve worded problems involving numbers written in standard form
Exit ticket
Year 9 extension
Year 11 crossover
N.16.1 I can simplify expressions involving surds
Odd one out
RAG questions
Spot the mistake
Year 9 extension
Year 10 higher
Year 10 extension
N.16.2 I can calculate exactly with surds
RAG questions - Multiplying and dividing
RAG questions - Adding and subtracting
Year 9 extension
Year 10 higher
Year 10 extension
Tick or trash
N.16.3 I can expand double brackets with surds
No resources here yet - I'm working on it!
Year 10 higher
Year 10 extension
N.16.4 I can rationalise the denominator of an expression where the denominator
is a single surd
No resources here yet - I'm working on it!
Year 10 higher
Year 10 extension
N.16.5 I can rationalise the denominator of any expression where the denominator
contains surds
No resources here yet - I'm working on it!
Year 10 extension